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Seeking Expression of Interest for Community and Youth Advisory Groups:
The Townsville Aboriginal and Islander Health Service (TAIHS) is setting up a Community Advisory Group (CAG) and Youth Advisory Group (YAG) to provide advice about our services and engagement.
We are seeking expressions of interest from community members. You don’t have to be a TAIHS client or patient to sit on either group (although it’s great if you are!)
We are looking for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who:
- Are willing to share their insights about our health and/or community services, and provide advice that can help TAIHS improve its services,
- Know their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community
- Understand the issues facing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community (and young people, if applying for the YAG).
- Between the ages of 18 and 30 (YAG only)
Who should be a Member of the CAG or YAG?
There are no specific skills or qualifications needed to become a member. We are looking for people who:
- Have strong connections to the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities of Townsville and /or surrounding areas;
- Want to make a positive change for their community
How will I be compensated?
- Members will be classed as volunteers, and receive an annual stipend of $1,800 as compensation, paid monthly ($150 a month).
How much time will it involve?
- Monthly meeting, 2 hours
- One-off Induction, approximately 2 hours
What if I’m employed
As a member, it is your responsibility to discuss with your employee whether you can take time off once a month to attend CAG/YAG meetings. Meetings will be held during work hours.
How to Register your Interest
If you are interested in becoming a member of CAG or YAG, please complete the EOI Form here
Post: Executive Support Officer, Korissa Johnson Townsville Aboriginal & Islander Health Service PO Box 7534, GARBUTT QLD 4814.