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TAIHS Doctors and Health Workers provide education, awareness, health promotion, prevention and early intervention strategies to clients and the wider community regarding sexual and reproductive health.
TAIHS sexual health services include:
- Sexual health checks
- Treatments and follow up
- Free condoms
- Contact Tracing
- Free pregnancy testing
- PAP Smears
- Contraception advice
- Long Acting Reversible Contraceptive (LARC), Implanon, Intra Uterine Device (IUD), Mirena insertion and removals)
- Hepatitis A & B vaccination
- Gender specific reproductive sexual health education and information sessions
Having a sexual health check is good way to test, treat and manage any infections or blood borne viruses. Testing may include urine and/or blood testing and an examination by your Doctor where symptoms may be present. You can also ask your Doctor any questions about sexual health.
People who are encouraged to have a sexual health if they:
- have had unsafe sexual contact
- have not protected themselves during sexual activity
- have been with multiple sexual partners
- have started or ended a relationship
- have shared injecting or tattooing